About Litchfield Photography

Hi, my name is Debbie Howser and I live in beautiful Litchfield, CT. I started dabbling in photography way back in the “olden” days.  Remember those antique cameras that 3073133859_5be28bf0e8_zactually opened and you could pop a film roll in?  My first camera was a  Micky Mouse camera that took 135mm film, oh did I LOVE that camera.

My father was an avid photographer and I was fascinated with all his cameras, so of course I played with them….. when he 7bff10fead296b4c6870e54aab98f49ewasn’t looking.  He had built his own darkroom, so I played in/with that too  ðŸ™‚  In Jr. High I got my first fancy, really cool, SLR…. a Canon AE1…. no more of those old range finders that my father let me use.  Then in High School I got my first… sort of…. kind of…… photography job. I was hired by a building inspector to enlarge photos of cracks in buildings, well that was exciting…. or not.IMG_4730

So excited to get my first digital camera when they reached the market… woo hoo!!! no more film!!  I loved taking photos, but HATED getting the film developed…. to this day I still have unprocessed rolls of film laying around… nothing important I assume.

My passion for photography has once again emerged,  I love photographing animals, sports and nature…. or anything that comes my way.  I recently wanted to meet other people in my area who also have a photography interest and therefore I formed Litchfield Photography Club.

I currently teach Introduction to Photography,  Digital Photo Organization and Storage, Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting, and Computers for the Novice through EdAdvance in Litchfield, CT.  They offer a variety of classes in several locations!